our mission & vision
Jovenes Con Proposito – Youth with PurposeMission & Vision - En Español

Our Mission
To help youth aging out of orphanages and also from extreme poverty, discover their God given purpose in life.
Our Vision
That the youth will have a balanced life: Emotionally, Spiritually, Socially, Academically, and Physically.
We work through 5 specific programs…
- Life Skills Training – examples like time management, family, etc based on God’s word.
- Discipleship and Mentor – developing mature, long lasting relationships
- Career Development – learning skills for preparing for a good job
- Transitional Housing – providing housing for those in need to develop skills for living cooperatively and independently
- Relationships with local organizations and churches – to build long lasting relationships and opportunities for the youth to put in to practice their skills that they are discovering and developing.
Working with Values
Loving God
Compassion for others
Service in helping others
How can YOU get involved?
Want to know how you can help? JCP Ministries welcomes any assistance you are able to provide.